How to Prepare Your AC Business as Summer Transitions to Fall
By Ray Orzechowski
Here are several steps that I believe are very important for HVAC professionals to ensure a smooth transition from the summer into the fall months.
As summer heat gives way to the cooler temperatures of fall, HVAC companies enter the perfect time for company planning and preparation. The transition between these seasons brings challenges and opportunities for both businesses and homeowners. Here are several steps that I believe are very important for HVAC professionals to ensure a smooth transition from the summer into the fall months.
System Replacements and Maintenance Agreements
Summer in the South leads to an increased number of system outages, which eventually turns into a higher number of replacements. Averages, right?
However, not all homeowners opt for a maintenance plan at the time of installation. These plans are important for preparing their systems for the upcoming seasons. It is essential to keep a list of customers who had system changeouts but did not sign up for a maintenance program. This is all assuming you offer one.
The first six-month maintenance check is crucial. It allows HVAC professionals to catch small problems that may have been missed during installation and perform a quick burn-off of any dust accumulation.
Offering discounts on first-time maintenance can encourage homeowners to enroll in your maintenance program, ensuring your company has set eyes on the system and can address any issues before they become major problems. We all know how early problems can often make a customer lose confidence quickly after a new system is installed. And let’s not forget how important it is to maintaining the system warranty.
Take Note of Summertime Issues
Throughout the summer, air conditioning systems encounter various problems, both big and small. Technicians and customers do as well.
Keeping a detailed list of these issues is important for annual planning sessions. By documenting and reviewing these problems, companies can identify trends and areas for improvement.
This proactive approach helps in fine tuning processes and preventing recurring issues, ultimately leading to better service and customer satisfaction.
Annual Planning for a Successful Year
Transitioning into the slower season provides an excellent opportunity for thorough annual planning. I believe an annual planning session is one of the most crucial activities for my business. It allows us to reflect on the past year, identify areas for improvement, and set our goals for the next year to come.
While there are businesses that offer professional planning services, it’s also possible to conduct effective planning sessions in-house. Our annual planning process takes up an entire week every October. A well-structured planning list can guide the process, ensuring all critical issues are covered. I’m sure you can find a decent annual planning preparation online. If you are a member of any heating air conditioning groups, ask around, they may even know people who specialize in annual planning.
Technicians Must Be Prepared
Something we try to do at least every other week during the summer is to remind our coworkers of the importance of financial preparedness as the shoulder season approaches. Encouraging technicians to save money for the slower months can provide financial security, leading to better focus and performance on the job. Technicians who are financially prepared tend to think more clearly and work more effectively, creating a more pleasant and productive work environment.
Secure an Open Line of Credit
I’m a firm believer in this process. It is very important to have funds available during the shoulder season. We have found that securing an open line of credit not only helps you through the shoulder season, it keeps your mind free from worry so that you can focus on building your business. Use it like a tool to provide the flexibility and stability needed to manage cash flow effectively during this season when business may be a little slower than usual.
It’s hard to know in our town when or how long a shoulder season is going to last. When is it going to get cold? When are we going to get busy? These are questions we ask ourselves and have to worry about keeping our technicians coming at the same time. A business line of credit is like a revolving credit account that allows you to borrow up to an agreed-upon amount and pay interest on the amount used.
Small price to pay for peace of mind. Any local bank in town wanting your business should be happy to oblige. It’s kind of like having a loan available to you and not having to reapply each time you need it.
For heating and air conditioning businesses, the benefits are huge. It makes operations smoother between high-income times and low-income times when no one is using heating or air conditioning and trying to save every penny they have. Not only that, it helps keep your vendors from burning your phone up looking for a check to pay the bill when you were busy the month before an unexpected, beautiful fall season. And we all know when times are slow, vendors are more than happy to lower the prices on a lot of equipment. Being able to take advantage of these opportunities are helpful to you and your supplier.
Simply put, an open line of credit is a very good way for heating and air conditioning businesses to keep their operations smoother with less financial strain, and in an optimal position for growth, stability and less worry throughout the year.
In conclusion, prepping for the transition from summer to fall is a very important process that requires attention to detail and proactive planning. By focusing on system replacements, maintenance agreements, addressing summertime issues, annual planning, financial preparedness, and securing an open line of credit, your companies can help you have a successful and smooth transition into the shoulder season. These preparations not only benefit the business but also provide peace of mind to homeowners, knowing their systems are ready for the challenges of the upcoming winter.
Ray Orzechowski, president and CEO of Bailey’s Comfort Services in Augusta, Georgia, has been in the HVAC field since 1994. Under his leadership, the business has become one of the area’s most trusted providers for HVAC services.